Letters to the Editor

The legislature can still finish strong

The Alabama Legislature caught its share of grief after adjourning from the regular session without passing a budget.

Letters to the Editor

State government is acting more like Washington, D.C.

State government is acting more like Washington, D.C., every day. The state General Fund is spending close ...

Letters to the Editor

How can judges not enforce this law?

Rep. Allen Farley’s recent article on AL.com about a lack of enforcement of the ignition interlock law was ...

Letters to the Editor

The deadly July 4th weekend in Chicago

If you haven’t seen the numbers for gun violence in Chicago over the July 4th weekend, it is ...

Letters to the Editor

What do you know about elder abuse?

Thousands of elderly persons and adults who have disabilities are abused, neglected, and exploited in Alabama each year.

Letters to the Editor

The EPA’s renegade policies must be reined in

The Alabama Legislature took an important step toward reining in a rogue federal department this week when it ...

Letters to the Editor

This is why the Post Office is going broke

I notice the United States Post Office is trouble again and preparing to raise postage again.

Letters to the Editor

It’s time to reform crop insurance program

At the Center for Rural Affairs, we’ve heard from farmers across the Midwest and Great Plains about negative ...

Letters to the Editor

You should have the right to vote

I have something that has been weighing heavily on my mind and my heart these last few weeks: ...

Letters to the Editor

Allen: I’m joining 21 other judges, endorsing McKinney

I stand with 21 Republican probate judges from across Alabama to support Judge Reese McKinney as the next ...

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