‘PIE PETE’: Max raising funds for kids
Published 3:00 am Tuesday, August 8, 2017
- Messenger photo/submitted “Pie Pete” and he’ll be glad you did. Pete Jordan, MAX Credit Union/Troy regional vice president of retail sales, took a practice throw from Taylor Guttensohn as prepares for the MAX4Kids foundation fundraiser on August 15. The funds raised will support MAX$KIDS scholarship program. Tickets to “Pie Pete” are available at MAX Credit Union on Highway 231 South in Troy.
Have you ever had the urge to just shove a pie in somebody’s face?
Perhaps, you might be feeling that urge right now.
And, now is your chance.
Perhaps Pete Jordan, Max Credit Union/ Troy regional vice president of retail sales, is not the person you had in mind. But when you “Pie Pete,” it will satisfy that urge and kids will benefit.
“Pie Pete” is a fundraiser for the MAX4Kids foundation, a non-profit organization that was created in 2001 by MAX associates as a way to give back to their communities through its scholarship program.
Jordan said it didn’t take much arm-twisting for him to agree for his face to be the bull’s eye in the pie-ing fundraiser for MAX4Kids foundation.
“Any time we can do something for kids, I’m all for it,” Jordan said. “‘Pie Pete’ will support MAX’s scholarship program for continued education.”
The pie-ing of Pete will be at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 15 at MAX Credit Union in Troy. Jordan said he’s not sure how many whipped cream pies he will have to “face” but he’ll have nose plugs and goggles in reserve.
For a one-dollar donation, the purchaser’s name will be entered in the bucket to do the honors of “pie-ing Pete.” The winner will be contacted on August 14 so he or she can make arrangements to do the honors.
For a $10 donation, the purchaser will be able to personally “Pie Pete” and the number of $10 donations is unlimited. That should make Pete Jordan, just a little nervous. Why, there could be some folks that aren’t donating just for the fun of it or for the contribution they area making to MAX’s scholarships for kids. Somebody might be mean spirited and mash Pete’s nose with the pie plate or dump the pie on his head and muss his hair.
Pete Jordan must either be a mighty trusting man or have a big heart for kids.
“At Max Credit Union, we look for ways to give back to our communities,” Jordan said. “There’s no better way than to be active and involved. Young people are the future of our communities and we, at MAX Credit Union in Troy, are proud to support the MAX4Kids foundation with our ‘Pie Pete’ fundraiser.”
Tickets for “Pie Pete” are available at the MAX Credit Union at 1207 Highway 231 South in Troy. Donations may also be made at that location.