Pike COC begins recruiting project

Published 9:38 pm Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Pike County Chamber of Commerce is looking to up its membership and is doing so with a little friendly competition.

The chamber kicked off its membership drive Monday with a breakfast for its recruitment teams, teams that for the next week will be competing against each other to gain chamber members.

The theme of this year’s membership drive is “Golfing for Commerce,” after the chamber’s largest event of the year, it’s annual Golf Tournament. The drive will end Monday, April 5 at the Troy Country Club, where the golf tournament will be held.

Chamber Membership Coordinator Leigh Anne Windham said three team captains were selected by the chamber, and each captain chose its team members.

“The teams were named after fun golf-themed movies. Like ‘Tin Cup’ and ‘Caddy Shack’ are a couple of our teams’ names,” she said.

Windham said there are many benefits for individuals and businesses in joining their local chamber.

“Those who join are listed on the Chamber Web site and in the ‘Visions’ magazine, they receive small business assistance and support, are part of the chamber member referral program and earn discounts on Auto Owners insurance,” she said.

“In addition, they also gain access to seminars and workshops for chamber members only, networking events such as ‘Business After Hours’ and initiations to meeting with government officials.”

Pike County Chamber of Commerce President Jenniffer Barner said the membership drive is important because members are at the heart of the organization. “Chamber members are why the Pike County Chamber of Commerce exists. The teams of current members who are recruiting for the annual membership drive are members who know the value chamber membership,” she said. “We are very appreciative of those who are giving their time. Leigh Anne and Liz McGrath, Chamber Community Development Director, have worked very hard on the membership drive.”

to make the drive successful for the Chamber. We could not have a better staff at the Chamber. They work hard to make things happen and

the chamber membership drive is one example of that.”