TRMC employees sharpen skills

Published 10:28 pm Thursday, June 18, 2009

Troy Regional Medical Center is gearing up for its Joint Commission Certification, which will take place in August.

With the hospitals’ annual Skills Fair, the entire staff will learn new skills and refresh already existing ones.

“The staff works tirelessly to get the Skills Fair together,’ said Chief Clinical Officer Jennifer Ventress of Troy Regional Medical Center.

There are nine national patient safety goals set by the Joint Commission that hospitals nationwide have to meet to be certified. The Skills Fair covers all aspects of “patient care” and it is not just for the medical staff either.

“The Skills Fair is a mandatory event,” Ventress said. “Everyone spends around six hours at each work station.”

There are many workstations that are set up for the Skills Fair, ranging from clinical competency and patient identification to learning new computer programs the hospital uses.

The team leader of each section of the hospital participates by teaching skills of their field.

“All of our team leaders are very well versed in each of their fields,” Ventress said.

Ventress said the overall goal of the Skills Fair is patient care, from knowing who they are to what kind of assistance they need.

“We want to show everyone, not just the Joint Commission, that we strive for quality in the care of our patients,” Ventress said.

A constant improvement goal has been set by the Troy Regional Medical Center for their patient care.

“By doing the Skills Fair we let everyone know how important continues improvement in patient care is,” Ventress said.