Nasca joins TRMC as ER director

Published 10:28 pm Thursday, May 14, 2009

What reason does a former director of a fast-paced residency program in Jacksonville, Fla., and a member of the NASA medical support team give for coming to Troy?

“I wanted to slow down,” said Leonardo Nasca, Troy Regional Medical Center’s new emergency room director.

But, slowing down isn’t something Nasca has been given the opportunity to do since becoming director.

“It’s been pretty busy being the director here,” Nasca said.

But one thing Nasca has noticed is the southern hospitality.

“Everyone has been very friendly and helpful,” Nasca said. “If I need anything someone’s there.”

Nasca comes to TRMC as part of the Pegasus Emergency Medicine Group, which has directors who actually live in the community.

According to Nasca, the group works to recruit more board certified personnel to the ER.

“Everyone in the department is board certified,” Nasca said. “We have an enhanced level of care because of board certification.”

As for goals, Nasca said he plans to help educate nurses to keep up their skills.

“It will help them remember their education since they don’t see everything every day,” Nasca said. “My main goal is to help improve health care in the area,” Nasca said. “Also, I want to improve the way people look at the hospital.”

In addition to Nasca coming to Troy, his wife, Sandra and six of their eight children will follow when school dismisses for the summer.

Nasca’s children range in age from 11 years old up to 21 years old. “Our oldest Torey is 21 and has a degree in recording arts. He works for the federal government in Jacksonville,” Nasca said.

Nasca said he has two in college, Tim, 20, is enrolled at Ekerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla., and is studying creative writing, while Daniel, 19, will enroll at Troy University to study business and marketing.

The couple’s 18-year-old, Mike is “out on his own,” while Joe,17; Nick, 16; and Becca, 15 are all in high school, and Hanna, 11 will be a fifth grader.

Nasca has a long list of positions held but mentioned he like working with the NASA medical support team during space shuttle launches at Cape Canaveral, Fla., and enjoyed helping in sports medicine during Super Bowl XXXIX, which was held in Jacksonville, Fla.

Nasca, who was born and raised in Erie, Pa., received his doctor of medicine degree from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia.