Sears gets into holiday spirit with charitable event

Published 7:58 pm Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some local businesses are getting in the giving mood this Christmas season.

Sears in Troy is participating in several “Caring Community Events” beginning this Saturday, and store owner Chris Schubert wants Pike County shoppers to join in the giving.

As part of a national Sears event, the local Sears store will participate in a “Hometown Heroes” project, where customers can make donations directly to soldiers overseas.

Another project starting Saturday is a chance to donate canned goods for a discount at Sears. Typically, Schubert said Sears holds a canned food drive each year, and this year, the food will be given to the Department of Human Resources emergency food closet. With four cans of food, Schubert said customers can receive a discount on their purchases.

“If you bring me four cans of food, I’ll give you $25 off a refrigerator,” Schubert said.

And the final project is one especially close to Schubert’s heart. Schubert, who is a founder of the Pike Animal Shelter Coalition, will be selling gifts for the Pike Animal Shelter to be constructed on Henderson Highway.

The sale includes a special Christmas box with a founder’s gift certificate and one of the shelter’s famous orange T-shirts, and it will guarantee the recipient’s name a permanent spot on the shelter’s wall,” he said.

The animal shelter gifts will cost $120, but all proceeds will go toward the project’s construction. Schubert said he hopes to see locals out in the store this weekend. “When you drive by Sears and see folks in the parking lot, you’ll know that they are not only shopping for unique Sears gifts, they are in the store at the heart of Christmas,” Schubert said.