Police reports
Published 11:49 pm Friday, August 24, 2018
Wright, James Clay, Age 65, Southland MHP, Public Intoxication
Freeman, Randy Paul, Age 42, Partridge Avenue, Domestic Violence Third Degree
Jackson, Brittany Elaine, Age 25, N Knox Street, Reckless Endangerment and Assault Third
Thomas, Xavier Deshawn, Age 20, Count Road 7755, Drug Paraphernalia – 1st Offense
Coleman Jr, Johnny Lee, Age 31, US Hwy 29, Alias Writ of Arrest
Langford, Elizabeth Paige Allen, Age 46, Methamphetamine-Possession, Amphetamine-Possession, Drug Paraphernalia – 1st Offense, and Stalking, Second Degree
Gibson, James Washington, Age 70, N Three Notch Street, Theft of Property Third Degree
Cox, Charles William, Age 31, County Road 6615, Drug Paraphernalia -1st Offense, Possession of Concealed Weapon without a permit, alias Writ of arrest, and Warrant of Arrest
Brown, Jacoyn, Age 22, County Road 70, Clanton, Methamphetamine-Sell/Distribute
Incident Reports
Domestic Violence Third Degree on US Highway 231
Lost Property on N Knox Street
Theft of Property Second Degree on County Road 5520
Domestic Dispute on Dunbar Drive
Domestic Violence Third Degree on County Road 5521
Harassing Communications on Orion Street
Theft of Property Fourth Degree on US Highway 231
Criminal Trespass Third Degree on S Three Notch Street
Domestic Violence Third Degree on Aster Circle
Drug Paraphernalia -1st offense on US Highway 29
Domestic Violence Third Degree on E Academy Street
Carrying Concealed Weapon and Vehicle Search on US Highway 231
Damage to Property on Needmore Road
Found Property on Elm Street
Change Bills – Circulating on US Highway 231
Harassing Communication and making false report to law enforcement authority on Elm Street
Miscellaneous Offenses on Park Street
Damage to Property on US Highway 231
Theft of Property Second Degree on Montgomery Street
Domestic Violence Third Degree on Aster Circle
Domestic Violence Third Degree on Dove Avenue
Towed Vehicle on Cross Creek Circle
Domestic Dispute on Dozier Drive
Towed Vehicle on S Brundidge Street
Methamphetaine-Possession, Amphetamine – Possession, Promote Prison Contraband, Drug Paraphernalia – 1st Offense, Warrant of Arrest, and Operating Vehicle with Expired Tag
Drug Paraphernalia – 1st Offense on Elba Highway
Change Bills – Circulating on US Highway 231
Child Neglect on Park Street
Runaway Juvenile on Aster Avenue
Driving while revoked on Gibbs Street
Domestic Violence Third Degree on US Highway 231
Suspicious circumstances on County Road 3304
Burglary Third Degree on Tate Street
Possession of a controlled substance and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia on County Road 3304
Fraudulent use of Credit/Debit Card on US Highway 231
Damage to Property on US Highway 231
Vehicle Search on US Highway 231
Vehicle search on Pecan Street
Criminal Mischief Third Degree on Elm Street
Suspicious circumstances on Gibbs Street
Damage to Property on George Wallace Drive
Suspicious circumstances on Gibbs Street
Menacing on Trojan Way
Shoplifting on US Highway 231
Drug Paraphernalia – 1st Offense and Possession of a concealed weapon without a permit on County Road 1149
Harassing Communications and Criminal Trespass Third Degree on Segars Street
Juvenile Complaint on Elm Street
Harassment on Smith Road
Criminal Trespass Second Degree and Harassment on N Three Notch Street
Harassing Communications on Peacock Street