Troy Archery to host January Jam Tournament

Published 3:00 am Friday, January 27, 2017

Troy Archery will host the January Jam tournament at the Troy Elementary School Gymnasium beginning this Friday and will run through Saturday.

The January Jam tournament will be the first tournament in 2017 and will be open to students from the fourth grade all the way through high school. There will also be an open adult division as well.

“We would like to invite the public to shoot in the open division,” said coach Forrest Lee. “Anybody that has knowledge of archery is welcome.”

Troy Archery has held two previous archery tournaments since school started in August, but both featured 3-D targets. On Friday participants will have the opportunity to shoot at 12 bull’s-eye targets from 10 and 15 meters out for a maximum 300 points.

There will be four different divisions in the tournament: fourth and fifth grade, sixth through eighth grade, high school and an open adult division.

Flight times will be Friday at 4, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. and on Saturday at 9, 10 and 11 a.m.

Winners will be notified and trophies and awards will be presented.

There will be a $7 entry fee with all the proceeds going to the Trojan Archery teams.