Trojans gaining steam

Published 3:00 am Saturday, June 18, 2016

Messenger Photo/mike hensley The Charles Henderson Trojans finished off the second week of the summer season 4-0 after defeating Wicox Central on Monday, The Trojans rattled of wins against Ashford on Tuesday and defeated Barbour County twice on Thursday.

Messenger Photo/mike hensley
The Charles Henderson Trojans finished off the second week of the summer season 4-0 after defeating Wicox Central on Monday, The Trojans rattled of wins against Ashford on Tuesday and defeated Barbour County twice on Thursday.

The Charles Henderson Trojan basketball team finished the second week of the summer season 4-0.

After Monday night’s win against Wilcox Central, the Trojans picked up a win against Ashford on Tuesday and two wins over Barbour County on Thursday.

“It started on Monday and the guys came out and played hard,” said Trojans head coach Shelby Tuck. “They had a lot of fight in them. They were down 18-0 to start the game and they fought back to win the game. It really showed a lot about their fight.”

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Tuck came into this summer ready to impress a new style of play on his players. After struggling with it early, they seemed to have picked up the pace.

“They are starting to figure it out and play together,” Tuck said. “We started out slow, and we didn’t feed the post. We need to work the ball inside and out. We have been doing that and have done a nice job.”

Tuck is pleased to see the team gel.

“I am trying to teamwork,” Tuck said. “As a team we can be great. If we have a bunch of individuals we are not going to be very good. They are starting to buy into that. All week they played together and started to trust one another.”

Tuck said the players are starting to fill into their roles. The big guys are starting to play like big guys and the guards are starting to play like guards.

“They have been really excited and they have been playing with enthusiasm,” Tuck said. “It’s been really good for us.”

Charles Henderson will wrap up the summer program this week when they take on Northview on Monday before a tournament in Auburn on Friday.

“We just want to finish strong,” Tuck said. “The biggest thing is to see them accomplish the goal that we set out. We new we had some work to do. I am proud of all of them and I just want them to keep it up.”