Day’s offensive prowess topping national charts

Published 3:00 am Friday, March 25, 2016

submitted Photo Hannah Day’s 13 homeruns and 48 RBIs has her as one of nations best offensive  players in 2016.

submitted Photo
Hannah Day’s 13 homeruns and 48 RBIs has her as one of nations best offensive
players in 2016.

Long a leader for the Trojan, Hannah Day is also topping the national charts.

Day enters this afternoon’s game against Louisiana Lafayette with a .404 batting average, the best on the team, but her power numbers and ability to drive in runs make her one of the nation’s top offensive threats.

With 13 homeruns, she is ranked fourth in the nation. Her 48 RBIs put her at the top of the charts.

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“The ball is looking really big,” Day said. “Everyday is different. Some days it looks like a beach ball, while others it looks like a baseball. I am seeing really well, and I am trusting what the coaches are teaching me.”

Last weekend during a three game series with Appalachian State, Day went 12-14 at the plate with six homeruns and 18 RBIs. In game two alone, Day hit three homeruns and drove in nine.

For her performance over the weekend and in a midweek game against Florida A&M, Day was named national player of the week – a first for the Trojans.

“That is something I never thought would happen,” Day said. “It’s blowing my mind, but it’s really exciting.”

Day has never hit more than two homeruns in a game, and she couldn’t remember a time when she hit six homeruns in that short of span.

“I have never had weekend quite like that before,” Day said. “It was definitely something for the books.”

Troy head coach Beth Mullins said she has witnessed a lot of hot streaks in her career.

“Honestly in my career I have never seen a single performance out of a player like she did,” Mullins said. “It was pretty incredible. Everybody asked what I said to her. I didn’t say anything I left her alone, and she was seeing beach balls up there.”

Day’s offensive prowess is part of a strong Trojans offense. In that series against the Mountaineers, the Trojans scored a total of 59 runs.

“It’s a big confidence booster to know that your team is hitting well,” Day said. “If you don’t hit well you know there is someone behind you that is going to get the job done.”

Day said she tries not to focus on rankings and statistics.

“I try not to think about it,” Day said. “If you think about it, then that’s all you care about. What I care about most is the success of my team. Whatever I can do for them is great.”