TWINS ABOUND: Two sets of twins highlight the Miami Dolphins flag football team at Troy Parks and Recreation

Published 3:30 am Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Submitted Photo Two sets of twins play on the same flag football team coached by their father. Pictured from left to right: Beaux Mizell, Kaylee Mizell, father Eric Mizell, Kassidy Mizell and Bryson Mizell.

Submitted Photo
Two sets of twins play on the same flag football team coached by their father. Pictured from left to right: Beaux Mizell, Kaylee Mizell, father Eric Mizell, Kassidy Mizell and Bryson Mizell.

Teams facing the Miami Dolphins flag football team this year saw double trouble as the team was coached by Eric Mizell and featured two sets of Mizell twins on the field.

The players included Kaylee (Bug) and Kassidy Mizell, both 12, and Beaux and Bryson Mizell, both 9.

“It’s always good just to be able to coach,” Eric said. “When you add the dynamic of having your kids involved, that is something special. I have always coached them but they were on different teams. This is just how it played out this year.”

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The Troy Parks and Recreation Department rearranged the leagues this year and all four siblings ended up on the same team, leading to an opportunity to make lifelong memories.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Kaylee said. “I will remember that my dad was able to coach me and that we had a lot of fun. This is mu and my sister’s last year to ever play with our dad coaching us. It has been fun.”

Bbothers Beaux and Bryson are younger than their sisters and they relish the opportunity to play with one another and soak up everything they can.

“It’s fun because we can always remember this together,” Beaux said. “We always have fun together.”

When it comes to siblings on the field there will always be a special dynamic involved, when there are four that dynamic is amped up. “The best thing is when it comes to game time they are very supportive of one another,” Eric said. “They demand a lot out of each other, and they have high expectations. On game day it’s really neat to have four kids out there, but I also have four really good players.”

After a good play on the field, there’s always at least one sibling ready to celebrate.

“When we make touchdowns we usually give them a high five and tell them good job,” Beaux said. “Me and Kaylee jump in the air and hit out backs together.”

Even with the constant support and encouragement on the field, the siblings also find time to fit in a little sibling rivalry.

“I can pull flags better than my sister and she is a bossy, but Beaux and Bryson are sweet,” Kassidy said.

Bryson, who plays wingback, cornerback and running back, loves to play flag football.

“It’s fun to play flag football because of the team,” Bryson said. “We get to cheer each other on.”

Tiffany Mizell has the responsibility of cheering the four kids and her husband, and it’s something she wouldn’t trade for the world. “To have all four of them out there on that field together, it’s really hard to watch and cheer for each one,” she said. “It’s exciting we really get into it and it gets intense we just really love watching it.”

The opportunity for these three kids is made possible by the Troy Recreational Department.

“This is all possible because of recreation center,” Eric said. “The were forward thinking enough to listen to us about bringing flag football to Troy. To see them adding another element to the rec department and giving them more options has been very successful.”