Banks students learn about dental health

Published 10:57 pm Friday, March 21, 2014

Dr. Regina Hendrix and her dental staff visited Banks Primary School Friday and shared with the students the importance of the proper care of their teeth and eating healthy. Pictured, with Hendrix are staff members, Janet Green, Cheri Register, Sarah Sullivan and Connie Morrow and students, Russ Fischer, Cody Roten, Deaisha Collins, Jazarian Rumlin and Aurora Stagner.

Dr. Regina Hendrix and her dental staff visited Banks Primary School Friday and shared with the students the importance of the proper care of their teeth and eating healthy. Pictured, with Hendrix are staff members, Janet Green, Cheri Register, Sarah Sullivan and Connie Morrow and students, Russ Fischer, Cody Roten, Deaisha Collins, Jazarian Rumlin and Aurora Stagner. MESSENGER PHOTO/JAINE TREADWELL

Students at Banks Primary School had a group of very important visitors at their school Friday morning. One visitor came dressed as a tube of toothpaste. Another came as a big, white tooth and yet another brought along a toothbrush that was taller than any of the children.
And, among the visitors was a most important person – a real dentist.
“She can pull out your teeth,” one of the students whispered to a classmate. “Really. She can.”
The “real” dentist was Dr. Regina Hendrix of Troy. Her staff came along to help her impress upon the students the importance of taking good care of their teeth.
The dental team talked with the students about proper brushing, about the need to floss but most of all, how the food they eat affects their dental health.
The students played a “sad food and happy food” game. And, were very knowledgeable about which foods are good for their teeth and which are not good.
Carrots? – happy. Chocolate? – sad.
There was low, collective groan of disappointment as the chocolate candy bar was placed in the “sad” sack.
“I’m not saying that you can’t have a chocolate treat every now and then,” Hendrix told the students. “But, when you do eat chocolates or sweets, you should brush your teeth right after.”
Five years ago, Hendrix was invited to visit Banks Primary School and talk with the students about dental health. She has made the visits annual events.
Hendrix said children today are more understanding of the importance brushing their teeth and more aware of foods that are harmful to their teeth.
“I hope by coming to the school the students will place more importance on brushing and flossing their teeth and eating healthy,” Hendrix said. “I’m encouraged to see posters on the lunchroom walls that promote healthy food choices. Greater emphasis is being placed on healthy eating and good dental hygiene and that is making a difference.’
Lee Scott, principal of Banks Schools, said Hendrix and her staff “share important information that motivates our students to take good care of their teeth and to eat healthy. They also give them dental supplies. We greatly appreciate Dr. Hendrix’s support and her generosity.”

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