Troy City Schools adopts new dress code policy

At the June 21 Troy City Schools Board of Education meeting, the school system unanimously approved the adoption of a new dress code policy.

The new dress code policy will replace the existing uniform policy that Troy City Schools has adhered to for the past 13 years.

“What we did was send out a survey for everyone to have input with a series of questions and then we met as an administrative team to give our own input in regards to how we felt about it,” TCS Superintendent Cynthia Thomas said. “Based on the results of the survey, and we also took a poll of each other, we decided to go in the direction of the dress code policy as opposed to a uniform policy.”

While the board unanimously approved the new dress code policy, some board members also addressed the need for some clarity on certain aspects of it before the school year begins, as well.

“As a parent reading through it some of those things feel up in the air as far as interpretation, whether (certain clothing) would be allowed or not,” board member Zach Spann said. “It gives me concern in regards to teachers or administrators having any weight whatsoever on them in terms of interpretation or clarity.

“I think it’s a good policy but I would love to see us on the backend offer a lot of supplementary aid and materials to leave no question or weight on any of our teachers or administrators.”

The full text of the dress code is as follows.

“The policy of Troy City Board of Education is that good grooming and personal
appearance are part of a successful teaching and learning process. It is expected that
students will dress in such a manner that will help promote an environment conducive to
learning as well as ensure the health and safety of all students of Troy City Schools.

Students in all grades (Pre-K through 12th Grade) must dress in a manner that will ensure
health and safety, will not be distracting to others, and is not disruptive to the learning and
educational process.   The school principal or his/her designee will have the final decision
in determining whether apparel meets the dress code.  At any time, the administration
has the authority to limit or adjust what may be worn.
Students determined to be in violation of the dress code will be required to change their
clothing to comply with the dress code. If a student must checkout of school in order to
change their clothing, the absence will be marked as unexcused. If violations become
chronic, additional consequences may include In-School Suspension or Alternative School
District Wide Grades PreK-12 Guidelines:
1. Clothing should fit properly, be the correct size for the student’s body size and type.
2. Clothing must be in good taste for the age and maturity of the student, safe, and not a
distraction to others.
3. Any apparel or appearance that may be distracting in the classroom (as deemed by
the school administration) is not permitted.
4. Clothing that displays immoral or illegal behavior is not permitted. Any article of
clothing, apparel, jewelry or haircut with words, colors, patterns (ex: bandana) or
pictures depicting gangs, gang slogans or symbols, violence, sex, drugs, alcohol,
mutilation or language found by the administration to be obscene or vulgar will not be
5. Undergarments must be worn in an appropriate manner and not be visible.
6. Clothing that is not able to provide coverage to undergarments and private body areas
at all times, and during all activities, is not permitted. This includes clothing with rips,
tears, or holes that expose underwear or private areas of the body.
7. Students may not wear clothing that reveals the body in an inappropriate manner.
Examples of this include, but are not limited to the following: clothing that is too tight,
too short, bare at the midriff, bare at the sides, sheer or see-through clothing, etc.
8. Students cannot wear jewelry or accessories that may distract other students or
interfere with the learning environment. Items such as heavy metal chains, spikes,
etc. are not permitted.
9. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. House shoes, slippers, shoes with
cleats, and shoes with wheels are not permitted.  Tennis shoes/ sneakers must be
worn during physical education classes. Shoes must be tied or secured with Velcro
straps at all times.

Dress Code for Elementary School Grades PreK-6:
School administrators will have the authority to allow for variances that are appropriate to
students in this age range.

Dress Code for Grades PreK-12:
1. Tops must have shoulder sleeves that have a minimum two (2”) wide shoulder strap.
This includes T-shirts.
2. Tops that reveal the body in an inappropriate manner are not permitted. This includes
but is not limited to midriffs, bare at the sides, sundresses, ”spaghetti strap” type
tops, Racer backs, off-the-shoulder tops, low-cut front or low-cut tops, tops that show
cleavage, sheer or see-through clothing, etc.
3. T-shirts that extend below four (4) inches from the top of the kneecap must be tucked
4. Men’s style undershirts are not permitted to be worn unless concealed under an
acceptable shirt/top garment.

Head Gear
1. Students may not wear hats or head coverings. Bandanas in school buildings,
on school premises, and at school-related functions are not allowed.
a. Exceptions to this prohibition on head coverings include religious purposes
which have been approved prior to wearing.

Pants, Skirts, Dresses, and Shorts
1. Pants must be worn at the waist level.
2. Pants that are too tight or allow for exposure of undergarments are not permitted.
3. Baggy, overly loose-fitting pants must be worn with a belt. No sagging pants
4. Pants or Jeans that have holes above the knee must have material beneath them.
5. Students may not wear pajamas or loungewear.
6. The length of skirts, dresses, and shorts (front and back) must be deemed appropriate
and must conform to the “mid-thigh rule”. No slits or leg openings can be higher than
mid-thigh above the top of the kneecap.
7. Skirts, dresses, and shorts must conform to the “mid-thigh rule” regardless of whether
they are worn with tights, panty hose, or bare legs.
8. Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be appropriate whether the student is standing or
9. Leggings are not considered pants and must be covered with appropriate clothing that
extends to the mid-thigh.
10.  Shorts must conform to the “mid-thigh rule”. Nylon type spandex shorts (ex. bike
shorts) are not permitted.
11.  Wind pants, sweatpants, and joggers are allowed as long as they follow dress code.
*Situations may arise that are not expressly covered by the dress code. In that event, the
principal or his/her designee may handle these situations on a case-by-case basis. School
personnel and principals may evaluate any hairstyle, hair color, article of clothing, or other
student clothing or display item that may be considered a violation of this dress code and/or a
distraction to the educational process on a case-by-case basis and the principal or his/her
designee will be authorized to make a determination as to whether a violation of the dress code
has been committed by the subject student(s).

In addition to and not in abrogation of any disciplinary measures stated above for violation of
this policy, the following shall apply:

First Offense: The student will be sent to the office to change clothes
Second Offense: In-school Suspension
Third Offense: In-school Suspension with parent conference
Additional Offenses: In-school Suspension or ALC assignment at the principal’s or his/her
designee’s discretion.”

In other business, the board approved the hiring of temporary bus drivers. At the June 14 school board the following personnel actions were approved.


Lindsey Sewell, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 3, 2022);

Carsyn Gambrell, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 3);

Casey Farris, music teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 3);

Megan Carson, Pre-K lead teacher, Troy Elementary Schools (effective Aug. 3);


Pamela Gardner, special education teacher at Charles Henderson Middle School to special education teacher at Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 3);

Dawn Key, media specialist at Charles Henderson Middle School to media specialist at Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 3); and


Mary Thornton, English teacher, Charles Henderson Middle School (effective May 27).



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