Latest Brundidge Archives - The Troy Messenger


Upcoming events at Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library

The Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library in Brundidge is “Remembering Our Roots” during the month of February. Diane Childers, ...


Brundidge Council approves pay raise

he Brundidge City Council held its first meeting of the month on Monday night at Brundidge City Hall. ...


If you ate today, thank a farmer

Alabama is blessed to be in an area when farming has been, and continues to be acknowledged and ...


Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival celebrates 19 years of laughs and tears

The last weekend in January is storytelling time in Pike County, Alabama. For 19 years now, the Brundidge ...


Pike Piddlers Storytelling this weekend

Come rain, sleet or snow, the 2025 Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival is set for Friday night, (January 24), ...


In Pike County, it’s storytelling and music time!

The annual Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival not only features the best storytellers on the planet, each storytelling concert ...


Local law enforcement fully staffed for severe winter weather

With winter weather expected in Pike County on Tuesday, the Troy Police Department, Pike County Sheriff’s Office, Troy ...

Pike County

Sunday crash claims the life of Bill B. Williams of Brundidge, three others injured 

According to a report from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), a two-vehicle crash on Sunday, Jan. 19, ...

Pike County

Schools, local governments to be affected by winter weather

The Pike County area will see what could be a historic incoming winter weather situation this week and ...


Local author Nicole Copeland getting set to release her first non-fiction book

Brundidge native Nicole Copeland will be releasing the third book that she’s authored this February, called “Biscuits, Babies ...

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