The story of Katie Potts’ ‘Jack in the Beanstalk’

Published 5:50 pm Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Katie Potts knows about “Jack in the Beanstalk” and she’s got a story of her own.

Over summer 2023, she watched a beanstalk of her own grow and grow and grow.

“A friend gave me what looked like a potato root and I planted it,” Potts said, adding that she had no idea what would grow from the potato-looking root. In early summer,  a green sprout popped through the ground. And, much, like Jack’s beanstalk, Kattie Potts’ potato kept growing and growing, taller and taller.

“I don’t know the plants name so all I can say is it grew and grew from a potato root,” Potts said. “It had beautiful blooms all summer long. I enjoyed it every day.”

But when Old Man Winter came, Potts said her potato root plant died.

“I didn’t know if it would come back or not,” she said. “But, it has come back and it has started to grow and, I hope it will bloom.  And, if keeps growing, it might be as tall and pretty as the one last year. I hope so.”

Potts’ hope is that her potato-root plant is one that comes back every year and that it will grow taller and taller each year and be even prettier than the year before.

Summer is a magical time. Potts said every plant is pretty in its own way.

“I don’t know what will grow from the potato root this year but, it will be pretty.”