Sgt. Jimmy Mueller retires from TPD

Published 5:39 pm Thursday, May 30, 2024

After 25 years of service to the Troy Police Department and to the Troy community, Sgt. Jimmy Mueller officially retired Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Mayor Jason A. Reeves, the Troy City Council, Chief Randall Barr and the Troy Police Department honored Mueller with a retirement ceremony at a packed Troy Municipal Courtroom Thursday afternoon.

There were congratulations, hugs handshakes and misty eyes but no “good lucks”

Sergeant Jimmy Mueller did not depend on luck to be the police officer he is. He was, Troy Police Chief Barr said, committed to hard work, dependability, loyalty, honesty, to his fellow officers and the community he served.

And, that did not go unnoticed or unappreciated by those with whom he served or by those he served, said Troy Mayor Jason A. Reeves.

A police officer has a tough job, the mayor said.

“We are so grateful for the work you do,” Reeves said and commended Mueller on his commitment, his loyalty and his dedication to the Troy Police Department, the officers with whom he has served and the community he proudly served and protected.

Reeves presented Mueller with a commendation from Governor Kay Ivey in appreciation for his service to those he has loyally served for 25 years.

Barr said Mueller, a native of Wisconsin, came to Troy to play football in 1994 and 1995 and graduated with a Criminal Justice degree. In 1998, he began his career with the City of Enterprise Police Department as a police officer and field training officer. He graduated from the Montgomery Police Academy in1999 and was awarded the Extra Mile Award from the Enterprise Police Department.

In April 2001, Mueller was hired by the Troy Police Department as a patrol officer. In 2006, he completed his Traffic Homicide Investigation course and, in February, 2007, he completed his training in Basic Forensic Mapping for Crash and Crime Scenes.

Mueller completed Advanced and Traffic Crash Reconstruction, 2010, he was promoted to Sergeant over Patrol.

Barr said the Troy and Pike County recognized Mueller’s contributions.

In December 2021, he was recognized as Officer of the Year by the Brundidge VFW. In September 2023, Pike Liberal Arts School recognized him for his 14 years of dedicated service to the PLAS football program.

Mueller’s wife, Kim, his three sons, Austin, Alex and Riley, two daughters, Sierra and Katye and his five grandchildren, shared his retirement with him.