That’s a wrap! Center Stagers perform at ‘The Studio’

Published 7:36 pm Friday, May 24, 2024

The Johnson Center for the Arts featured two performances at the Studio from its Center Stagers program with 31 of its enrolled students. The younger group, ages 6-10, performed short scenes and music from “Beauty and the Beast.” The older group performed scenes from “Shrek.” A few individual performers were featured as well.

Finn McCall, age eight, played on piano, and Caroline McDaniel, age ten, sang a solo.

Jenny Davis Meadows, director, awarded all children with awards centered on the program’s five themes of growth: Bravery, Expression, Ensemble, Hard Work, and Imagination and with accompanying ‘button’ medals painted by senior patients at Troy Regional Medical Center.

“The buttons are an inside thing, you’ll have to ask a Center Stager what the significance of a button is, said Andrea Pack, JCA director.

“The event was well-attended, with over 100 family members, teachers and friends in the audience to support their young thespians.”

The directors this year focused on allowing the kids to explore their own talents and pick and choose the direction that they want to take various scenes. “

“This process-oriented approach allows the children to build confidence, communication, and performance skills that not only help them to put on a performance, but help them in other areas of their lives, such as working with others, sharing their ideas, trying new things, and practicing over and over to get it right.”  Pack said.

The Center Stagers program is sponsored by not only the Johnson Center and the City of Troy, but by the Alabama State Council on the Arts (ASCA).

“Granting organizations such as ASCA have allowed us to pursue operations that educate our area youth in the arts where few other opportunities are available, and at a cost that is extremely affordable,” Pack said.

This year, the cost of Center Stagers was $40 for a semester… that’s two hours a week, on a weekly basis, during the school year and includes a T-shirt.

“It is all thanks to the Alabama State Council on the Arts ability to fund our talented staff and supplies needed to pull it off, and thanks to the City of Troy for the use of the Studio,” Pack said.

“In addition, a few students were sponsored via scholarship. Another crucial partner to the endeavor is Troy University’s department of Theater, which provides advisory support and students in theater education who are learning in a hands-on space and allow them to practice the real skills that will help them in their future careers.”

The curtains are drawn on the 23-24 Center Stagers season, but the program will continue in the 24-25 school year. The Johnson Center invites all parents and children to consider enrolling next time around, or consider volunteering to make the program even better! Visit for details or call 334-670-2287.