Hazel Spivey believes in kindness

Published 8:42 pm Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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A kindness is never wasted.

Whoever coined that phrase must have known Hazel Spivey.

Hazel has roots in Pike County. She owned and operated Hazel’s Café in Brundidge and served the best burgers this side of the Great Divide. She was a friend to her older customers and “mama” to the teens. To top it all, Hazel Spivey was kind.

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“When I was 18 years old, I was at a bus station in need of change, three cents, to pay for a glass of milk.

“A stranger took the change out of his pocket and said to take what I needed,” Hazel said. “I’ve never for gotten his kindness and, if I’ve ever been unkind, I’m so sorry.”

Perhaps, that is why God blessed her with Charlie.

“God gave me Charlie to love, to care for him see him happy and loving to everyone.”

Charlie’s mom was his caretaker, his friend, and his encourager and his inspiration;

She and Charley moved to Ozark so he could attend Vivian B. Adams School. He found his place in the Boy Scout Troop there and Hazel became a Scout Leader. Charlie earned the  Eagle Scout rank and Hazel earned the Silver Beaver Award, which is one of Scouting’s highest recognitions.

Hazel filled her life with loving kindness and, at the same time, filled Charlie’s, too.

Hazel is a talented in many ways. She sang on local radio and television stations including WTBF,, WBAM and WSFA.

“One of my favorite songs to sing was ‘Making Believe,’ but I liked ‘It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels,” Hazel said. “I got to go backstage with Jim Reeves, Hank Snow, Marty Robbins and Kitty wells.

“My life is a blessing from God, but my greatest blessings have been helping others,” Hazel said. “God blessed me so I could be a blessing to others. I hope I have pleased my God.