Thank you, Mr. Police Man

Published 6:20 pm Friday, May 17, 2024

A rattling sound in my window air condition alerted me that something was going wrong.

I walked into my bedroom just in time to see a small snake slithering though the vents.

I didn’t have to look twice to know it was a rattler coming to spend time with me.

This was not my first experience with a visiting snake. One hot summer night, a corn snake was cooling on the bathroom tile floor and it was escorted out on a shovel.

But this was a teenage rattlesnake that had entered via way of the air conditioner and slid into hiding.

I called the Brundidge police. 

“I’ve got a snake in my house,” I squealed. “Send somebody right now!”

I stood in the bedroom doorway, keeping watch to make sure uninvited guest didn’t take run of the house.

Rather quickly, two officers arrived wearing hazmat gear and carrying 20-gauge shotguns. One had a Bowie knife.

“It’s back there, under the bed.”

One officer walked that way. Not briskly.  The other began moving the recliner, a stool a book bag and ….

“It’s not over there! It’s over here!” I said in a rather shrill voice.

“Well, I’m clearing me a way to get outta here!” the officer said

I will never let him live that down.

But, this week, Police Week, I have thought about how many times, the police have responded to my foolishness and my needs. Police officers have unlocked my car so many times I would rather walk. Police officers have changed my tires put water in the radiator and gotten gas when I ran out.  The police have responded when I’ve heard strange noises around the house or seen a vehicle that keeps slowly driving back and forth during the night or when a suspicious looking person is in the neighborhood.

I’ve called when a pack of dogs is running lose or when the ringer is going off at school and when a runaway kid appeared on my porch in the middle of the night.

Whatever the reason, the Brundidge Police have always responded with professionalism.

Yes, it is right that we should pause to remember those who have given their lives in service to their communities, to their friends and families, not just one time a year.

We should also express heartfelt appreciation to those officers who are dedicate protecting us and keeping us safe and come with good humor when we lock our keys in the car.