‘Thunder on the Three Notch’ at Pioneer Museum

Published 7:26 pm Friday, April 26, 2024

One great spring weekend event in Pike County follows another.

“Thunder on the Three Notch” at the Pioneer Museum of Alabama comes on the heels of TroyFest, a highly-acclaimed arts and crafts festival in downtown Troy. So, those who are looking for somewhere to go and something to do, need look no farther than Pike County.

TroyFest on Saturday and Sunday (April 27 and 28) will be followed the next weekend, May 3 and 4, by “Thunder of the Three Notch” at the Pioneer Museum of Alabama.

Barbara Tatom, museum director, said “Thunder” will include the opportunity to visit the museum of pioneer history that includes 18,000 items, demonstrations and living history displays on the grounds and the re-enactment of “Thunder on the Three Notch.”

Bob McLendon, historian and reactor, said the Trail of Tears and Thunder on Three Notch are forever linked in the histories of Alabama, the United States and different Native American bands, tribes and nations.

“This was a terrible and bloody time in our history,” McLendon said. “And, it was fought in the swamps and woods all across Alabama, Georgia and Florida. It is a part of the history of Pike County and those are times that we should know about and learn from.”

“Thunder on the Three Notch” will feature the skirmish that occurred here in Pike County, which will follow a short presentation regarding the history of Thunder on the Three Notch.

Admission is $10 for adults, for ages 60 and up and military $9, students $8 and ages 5 and under and Pioneer Museum of Alabama members, free.