Pike County Salvation Army continues fight against hunger

Published 6:58 pm Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Pike County Salvation Army’s 2024 Empty Bowls Luncheon on May 5 was, once again, a great success. The annual event raised $10,000 in the fight against hunger.

Donna Kidd, service center manager, said the Pike County community has always been giving and loving when there is a need.

The success of Pike County Salvation Army’s Empty Bowls fundraiser year after year is acknowledgement of empty bowls throughout the world and, also, here at home.

“Of course, we will continue to have Empty Bowls as our fundraiser in the fight against hunger,” Kidd said. “But, there is the possibility that we that will have the fundraiser but with no ‘empty bowls’ as continuing reminders of world hunger.”

Kidd said Empty Bowls is a grassroots effort by artists and crafts people to help feed the hungry in their communities. Handcrafted clay bowls are donated to Empty Bowls fundraisers.

“Those who attend our Empty Bowls luncheon take home an empty bowl as a reminder of hunger around the world and how blessed we are that our bowls are not empty,” Kidd said. “The Pike County Salvation Army’s annual Empty Bowls fundraiser to alleviate hunger will continue but, without the ‘empty bowls’ it might not be as successful.

“First, people are familiar with the Empty Bowls fundraiser and look for to being a part of it each year,” she said. “So many people have said that the Empty Bowls they have taken home are a visual reminders of hunger throughout the world, including here at home.

“One person said she keeps her keys in her empty bowl and almost every time she picks up the keys, she is reminded of those who will go to bed hungry that night,” Kidd said.  “I hear similar ‘testimonies” so very often.”

The Pike County Salvation Army’s supply of handmade clay bowls has almost been depleted.

“I think, maybe, we have enough clay bowls for next year. Maybe,” Kidd said. “The Pike County Salvation Army will continue to have a fundraiser dedicated to the fight against hunger but, prayerfully, it will not be without empty bowls.”