Troy City Schools, Pike County Schools improve on State Report Card

Published 8:42 am Friday, December 15, 2023

On Thursday, the Alabama Department of Education released the State Report Card and Report Cards for each school and school district in the state for the 2022-2023 school year.

Troy City Schools received an overall score of 87, or a “B,” which reflects several different factors including achievement, academic growth, chronic absenteeism, as well as graduation rates and college and career readiness. Troy City Schools also received a “B” in 2021-2022 but the school systems score has increased from 82 to 87.

Charles Henderson High School received a score of 77, or a “C,” up from the score of 68 and “D” grade in 2021-2022. Charles Henderson Middle School received a score of 82, a “B,” which is up massively from the score of “69” and “D” in 2021-2022. Troy Elementary also earned a “B” with a score of 83, which is the same score the school earned in 2021-2022.

Pike County Schools also earned a “B” with a score of 84 for this school year, which is up two points from 2021-2022. Banks Elementary School earned a score of 85 for a “B,” which matches its 2021-2022 score. Goshen Elementary earned a “B” with a score of 80, while Goshen High School earned a “C” with a score of 76. The High School’s score is a two-point improvement from 2021-2022, while the elementary school’s score is a big increase from 76 in 2021-2022.

Pike County Elementary took a score of 85 for a “B,” which is up from a score of 81 in 2021-2022. Pike County High received its own “B” with a score of 82, which is a big leap up from the 75 the school earned in 2021-2022.

All scores – and details for the scores – can be found online at,