HSPC Pet Photo Calendars now available
Published 6:28 pm Tuesday, November 21, 2023
The Humane Society of Pike County’s 2024 Pet Photo Calendars are here and available for purchase in plenty of time for the Christmas-giving season.
Donna Brockmann, HSPC president, said the calendars are, as usual, a “must have” for those whose pets are among the featured animals, for those who love animals and those who support the HSPC annual spay/neuter program.
“Zoie” the winner of the 2023 Pet Photo Contest is featured on the calendar cover. All other pets are pictured inside the beautifully done calendars.
The HSPC s’ calendars are $15 this year due to the rising cost of printing, Brockmann said.
“But, the HSPC’s calendars are oversized, with space for penciling in birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates and the calendars just make you smile.”
The calendars are readily available at locations including Guynn’s Income Tax & Bookkeeping Service, Haisten, Shipman and Wiggins, Jinright’s Hillside Antiques, Southern Animal Hospital and Pet Resort, Troy Animal Clinic and Troy Bank & Trust.
“We ordered less calendars this year so we encourage everyone to shop early or they might not be able to get one of these amazing pet calendars,” Brockmann said. “The Humane Society of Pike County thanks the many who entered their pets in the HSPC’s 2024 Pet Photo Contest, the many who supported the contest with their votes, advertisements and calendar purchases. We also thank those who will continue to support our the HSPC’s annual spay/neuter program, which pays $50 of each procedure done at a veterinarian clinic in Pike County.
The pets of those who live in Pike County are eligible for the program as long as funds are available.