Pike County BoE considers personnel requests
Published 12:54 pm Friday, October 20, 2023
The Pike County Board of Education met Monday night to consider new and old business and personnel requests. In new business, the board:
•Heard the presentation of the FY 24 Comprehensive Plan.
•Introduction of Teacher Leadership Candidates for 2023-24.
Banks School: Megan Henderson and Sontessia Youngblood.
Goshen Elementary: Albert Miles and Jessica Tatom
Goshen High School: Kristin Kelly and Corbin Stewart
Pike County Elementary: Lytelia Berry and Valencia Flowers
Pike County High School: Erica Shepard and Stance Neal
Troy-Pike Center for Technology: Elijah Gilbert and Kim Sellers
•Approved Policy 5.14 Admission of Children of Members of Military Relocating to Alabama Schools.
•Approved the updated Travel Expense Reimbursement Guidelines.
•Approved the revision of LEA Gifted Plan for Pike County Schools.
•Approved permission to purchase supplemental reading intervention kits – S.P.I.R.E. from the state approved list for the Alabama Literacy Act. Funding – state textbook funds.
•Approves the request for the following employees to travel to and attend the Alabama Counseling Association Fall Conference in Birmingham, November 14-17, 2023. Funding: Title I, Local School, Perkins. List attached.
•Approved the request for TaMika Hurt, Catherine Grissett, Majorie Lane to travel to and attend the Alabama 504 Coordinators’ 29t Annual Conference in Birmingham December 7-8, 2023. Funding – General Funds.
•Approved the request for the following employees to travel to and attend the Pre-K Conference in Mobile, AL, October 18-20, 2023. Tina Senn, Shantasha Leverette, Melissa Feralin, Jessica Sanders, Elizabeth Anderson, Tammy Jackson, Arnitra Cotton, Haley Ellis, Kristin Ballard, and Katherine Williamson. Funds – OSR and local.
•Approved request for Kimberly Holmes, School Psychometrist to travel to and attend the 2023 AASP Conference in Birmingham November 6-8, 2023. Funds – IDEA.
•Approved request for TaMika Hurt to travel to and attend the ALA-CASE Fall Conference in Orange Beach, October 1-4, 2023. FUNDS – IDEA RETROACTIVE.
•Approved or denied student transfer forms.
In personnel actions, the board:
•Approved catastrophic and FMLA leave for Hannah Clifford, Pike County High School.
•Approved catastrophic and FMLA leave for LaToya Gay, Goshen High School.
•Approved the request to reassign Anna Wilkins, SPED Teacher to fourth grade teacher at Banks.
•Accepted the resignation of Gena Coates, math Teacher, PCHS. Effective October 13.
•Accepted the resignation of Wendy Pittman, fifth grade teacher, Goshen Elementary, effective October 31.
•Accepted the resignation of LaKesha Cobb, CNP Worker, PCHS. Effective September 29.
•Approved the request to employ Lauren Peters, SPED teacher, Banks.
•Approved request to employ Elisa Bruce, Pre-K lead teacher, Banks.
ªApproved nursing substitute status for Arnessa Scott, LPN.
*Approved volunteer status for Fred Lowery, basketball, GHS.
*Approved TEAMS Contracts for the following employees. See attached sheet.
*Approve Major Lane as substitute assistant principal at PCHS during Hannah Clifford’s maternity leave and to provide mentorship to PCHS student athletes during this same time period.
•Approved request to employ Paige Forbus, math and science tutor for CA³L students.
•Approved increase in hours for selected CNP workers to address “meals per labor hours” shortage.
(All new hires are contingent on certification or a verified pathway to certification and background checks.)