Alpha Delta Kappa welcomes Brenda Peacock
Published 7:30 pm Friday, October 13, 2023
- Contributed Photo Brenda Peacock spoke with Alpha Delta Chapter of Alabama Alpha Delta Kappa, about her ministry with St. Jude’s hospital. It was an excellent program. Pictured from left, Ruth Qualls, Brenda Peacock, Laura Hixon, Brandi DeSandro.
Alpha Delta Chapter of Alabama Alpha Delta Kappa, an International Honorary Organization for Women Educators welcomed Brenda Peacock to their recent meeting as a guest speaker.
Peacock is retired after serving more than 30 years as Pike County’s circuit clerk.
Peacock shared her ministry with St. Jude’s hospital with members of Alpha Delta chapter. Her program was inspiring and certainly exemplified her heart’s intent to give to others.
She stated that many years ago, she became impressed with the work of Danny Thomas, Founder of St. Jude’s Hospital. She began to send personal donations at that time, because she realized the important work they were doing as a research hospital.
God began to tug at her heart, giving her the feeling that she needed to give more; so, by using her artistic talents, she began to paint angels to sell.
She also came up with the idea of making bunnies to raise money, dressing them according to each buyer’s taste. All money received is donated to St. Jude’s.
Following her presentation, she was presented with a check for St. Jude’s which is one of Alpha Delta Kappa’s International altruistic projects.