Colley Seniors honor breast cancer survivors

Published 3:51 pm Thursday, October 12, 2023

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The Colley Senior Complex was a-buzz with excitement Tuesday morning as it was Educational Bingo day with a table of prizes to be won.
However, first things first, said Catherine Jordan, complex director.

October has been recognized as breast cancer awareness month for nearly four decades. The month is often recognized by wearing pink, holding fundraisers or spending time with family and friends.

Jordan said the Colley Senior Complex was recognizing breast cancer awareness month by honoring those among them who are cancer survivors.

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Jordan recognized Betty Minton, Beverly Casey and Kaye Jinright as breast cancer survivors and acknowledged how blessed they are to have survived cancer and how blessed the Colley Senior Complex is to have them as friends and as inspiration to others.

Beverly Casey is a 29-year survivor of breast cancer. Kaye Jinright is a 26-year survivor and Betty Minton survived breast cancer 29 years, “the first time” and “nine years, the second time.”

“According to statistics, one in every eight women, will have a diagnosis of breast cancer,” Jordan said. “But, these ladies, Betty, Beverly and Kaye, are encouragement to others that have a breast cancer diagnosis that ‘yes, you can, survive breast cancer,’ They are also living proof of the importance of regular breast exams.”

Darron Fayson, Kappa Alpha Psi, was the caller for Educational Bingo and, to a one, the ladies went home “tickled pink” with the prizes they had won and the lunch that followed.

Jordan said the Colley Senior Complex offers many opportunities for seniors throughout the week.

“We have something for all senior adults to participate in or to learn,” Jordan said. “The benefits of fellowship come with each activity and event. We invite and encourage our senior adults to visit the Colley Senior Complex and see what all we have to offer.”