Troy’s 2023 Homecoming includes Pied Pipers, ArtSPARK and family entertainment

Published 6:57 pm Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Troy University will celebrate Homecoming 2023 on Saturday with a full day of events and activities, including the 2023 Troy University Homecoming and Appreciation Day Parade at 10 a.m. in downtown Troy and the highly-anticipated gridiron battle between the Troy Trojans and the Arkansas State Red Wolves at 3 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Stadium.

Between those highly anticipated events, there will be two events planned with families in mind, the Pied Pipers at the Troy University amphitheater and ArtSPARK at the International Arts Center. Both will be from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. and admission is free.

“The Pied Pipers are excited to see everyone again this year for Pipers in the Park on the Troy University campus,” said Tori Lee Averett, chair of the Troy University College of Communication and Fine Arts. “The Pied Pipers will be performing classic stories on the stage in the amphitheater and alternating short performances with creative activities at the various stations around the park.”

Averett said there will be “Art Space” for fun craft projects, the “Sweets and Treats” area for the cookie walk and other tasty good times, and the “Wiggle and Move” station, where little ones can dance, jump rope, play games, and get out all of that fun, fall energy

“We are delighted to partner with ArtSPARK, with activities inside the International Arts Center with featured artist Beverly West,” Averett said.

And ArtSPARK is delighted also, for the opportunity to collaborate with the Pied Pipers for this special family event on Troy University’s 2023 Homecoming Day,” said Carrie Jaxon, director and curator of Troy University’s International Arts Center

“We are excited to have Beverly Leach, a professor in Troy University’s Art and Design Department, lead an art activity that will include the children and their parents,” Jaxon said. “The activity will be a collage and will be an opportunity for families to work together to create art.”

ArtSpark will also include a scavenger hunt and snacks.

“There will be activities inside the IAC and also outside that will include two performances by the Pied Pipers at the amphitheater,” Jaxon said. It’s an easy walk from one place to the other to enjoy all the activities. We invite families to come and enjoy this special time together.”

(Troy University received an Alabama State Council on the Arts for the ArtSpark Montgomery Art Series.)