Pike County BOE approves five year capital plan

Published 7:30 pm Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Pike County Board of Education met Monday night, September and approve the 2024 annual budget and the financial state for the month of August and also approved the 2024 Five Year Capital Plan and the purchase of 10 new school buses.

In other business, the board:

• Approved request for Christian Stanley, Cody Eiland and FFA members to travel to and attend the 44th Annual Sunbelt Ag Expo, Wednesday October 18, in Moultrie, GA.   Funding – GHS FFA.   

•Approved the request for Christian Stanley and Cody Eiland to travel to and attend the HudsonApha biotechnology training, September 12-13, 2023 in Huntsville retroactive (due to being invited between board meetings) .

•Approved the request for Jeff McClure to travel to, attend and present at the International Leadership Association’s Global Conference, October 12-20, in Vancouver, Canada. Funding – no cost to the Board.  Expenses paid via private funding.

•Approved the request for Amy Garrett and Kim Sellers to travel to and attend the ACTE Region 2 Conference, October 10-12 in Huntsville. Funding – Wiregrass Grant.

Approved the request for Jeremy Knox to travel to and attend the ACTE Region 2 Conference, October 10-12 in Huntsville. Funding – Perkins.

•Approved the request for Andrea Baxter to travel to and attend the National Education Association Blended Learning Coaches Conference, September 29 – October1, 2023 Los Angeles, California. Funding – NEA.

•Approved the request for Dr. Donnella Carter to travel to and attend the SSA Conference, October 9-11, 2023 in Florence. Funding – ARP ESSER.

Approved the request for the following employees to travel to and attend the Marzano High Reliability Schools training, October 1-4 in Birmingham.  Employees – Tracey Arnold, Donnella Carter, Pam Franklin, Jeff McClure, Bennie Shellhouse, and Jeff Torrence. Funding – Title IV, Title V, Title I and ARP ESSER.

•Approve the request for Dr. Donnella Carter to travel to and attend the Alabama Association of Federal Education Program Administrators Fall Conference, November 1-3, 2023 in Orange Beach.  Funding – ARP ESSER.

Approved or deny student Transfer forms.

In personnel business, the board:

•Approved Catastrophic and FMLA Leave for Ashley Sanders, IT, CO.

•Approved maternity leave/FMLA for Keyani Johnson, teacher, Goshen Elementary School.

•Accept the resignation of Kimberly Henderson, Asst. CNP Manager, Banks.  Effective September 22, 2023.

•Accepted the resignation of Roddrice Griffin, physical education aide, Pike County Elementary School, effective September 13, 2023.

•Approved the request to reassign Collin Jordan from maintenance helper to maintenance team leader, effective September 19, 2023.

•Approve the request to employ Janice Toney, CNP worker, Banks.  Effective September 19, 2023.

•Approved the request to employ LaToye Maddox, special education aide, Goshen High School, retroactive.

•Approved the request to employ Alexis Adkins, Pre-K auxiliary teacher, PCES, retroactive.   

•Approved the request to employ Kathryn Williamson, Pre-K auxiliary teacher, Banks.  Retroactive.

•Approved the request to employ Kalei Faulk, SPED Aide, PCES.  Retroactive

•Approved the request to employ Jamie Southerland, maintenance helper.  Effective September 19, 2023.

•Approved the request to employ Michael Chance maintenance helper.  Effective September 19, 2023.

•Approved the request for 10 sick leave days be restored to Debbie LaViner for an on-the-job injury.

( All new hires are contingent on certification or a verified pathway to certification and background checks.)