81 ‘much loved’ pets vie for 2024 Calendar Cover Pet

Published 7:20 pm Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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The last day and time to enter a pet in the Humane Society of Pike County’s 2024 Pet Photo Calendar Contest was 5 p.m. Monday, September 11.

When the clock struck “midnight,” 81 pets were entered and, from among them, will come the winner of the HSPC’S prestigious annual pet photo contest.

Atop the leader board, was Zoey, loved by Lee Reeves with a whopping 1,103 votes; Koshka, the campus cat, (in memory) followed with 425 votes; Bentley, loved by Nell Haigh, 255 votes; Katie loved by Dr. Pat Block, 250 votes and Suede, loved by Danita Richardson, 247 votes.

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Donna Brockmann, HSPC president, said the total number of entries stood at 81 which represents about 10 less entries than last year.

“However, considering how much downtime our website experienced with web host server issues, I am grateful and the HSPC is grateful for this total,” Brockmann said. “Many entries rolled in on the final day. Thanks to all of those who entered their pets and to those who have voted and to all those who will vote down to wire to determine which pet will be on the cover of the HSPC’s 2024 Pet Photo Calendar.

Brockmann said although the lead might seem insurmountable, nothing is guaranteed until the Big Bird sings.

“The competition is always close for the monthly winners and, also for the weekly winners,” Brockmann said. “However, every pet entered with be pictured on the 2024 Pet Photo Calendar.

The HSPC asks pet owners, family friends, colleagues, neighbors “anyone” to please consider voting, even those who don’t have a “pony in the show.”

“The more votes we ‘harness,’ the more funds we have next year to allocate during our spay/neuter clinic and that is so important,” Brockmann said.

The HSPC thanks all pet owners who entered their animals, everyone who has voted to date and those who will vote until 5 p.m. Friday, September 22.

“We thank the businesses that have purchased ads in our calendar,” Brockman said. “The ads offset our printing costs. The more ads sold, the greater the calendar sale’s profit and the larger the HSPC’s spay/neuter program and fewer abandoned and mistreated dogs and cats in our home county.”