We are Super Citizens!

Published 6:50 pm Friday, August 25, 2023

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Imagine being a middle grade elementary student and seeing, Libby Liberty, a real live Statue of Liberty, and hearing her tell the story of how she was constructed far across the ocean in a country called France and how she came to New York Harbor on a ship in 1886 and stands tall and proud as Lady Liberty.

Imagine hearing that Lady Liberty wears a size 879 shoe and that she stands as tall as a football field is wide.

Imaging how far reaching it is for a young elementary student, to learn the importance of Lady Liberty holding the Torch of Freedom in her right hand and the Declaration of Independence in her left hand.

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That’s what students from the Pike County, Troy City Schools and learned this week through the Liberty Learning Foundation.

Seeing Libby Liberty and hearing her talk about the many opportunities there are to be Super Citizens in this great county of America and to be the next generation of Great Americans was exciting to the young students.

The Liberty Learning Foundation is bringing a generation back to the basis of what it means to be an American and the realization to the students that “to do good, you have to be good.”

And that is the Liberty Learning Foundation’s goal is for the next generations of Great Americans.

And those are the reasons that Troy Bank & Trust in Troy has been a strong and dedicated partner of the Liberty Learning Foundation for nine years.  And, the same reasons that that the Pike County and Troy City schools and Pike Liberal Arts School enthusiastically supports the Liberty Learning Foundation.

Jeff Kervin, president and CEO, said TB&T is very excited to be affiliated with Liberty Learning and is looking forward to many more years of the partnership.

“We, at TB&T, strongly support the ideals of Liberty Learning, particularly citizenship, civics, and character,” Kervin said.  “The message is one that all people need to hear and, sadly, it is not being taught as widely as it once was.  Liberty Learning is addressing that and Troy Bank and Trust is happy to help play a small part in this endeavor.” 

Dr. Mark Bazzell, Superintendent of Pike County Schools, said that Troy B&T’s sponsorship of the Lady Liberty Program is very much appreciated. It is a program that has been well-received by both faculty and students for many years.

The Super Citizen Program provides our students with important lessons necessary for them to grow into career ready, financially literate and civic-minded adults,” Bazzell said.   

Cynthia Thomas, Superintendent of Troy City Schools said that,

following the program and building on the interest and excitement that it generated, the TCS students will begin in-depth lessons in civics, character, financial literacy, careers and more. 

“I really feel that the Liberty Legacy Super Citizen Program does a wonderful job of connecting our students and community leaders with civic responsibility as well as reminds our students the value of citizenship.,” Thomas said. “So, Troy City Schools are excited to be a part of it. A huge thanks to Troy Bank & Trust for giving this opportunity to our students.”

To kick off the Super Citizens at Pike Liberal Arts School, Libby Lady shared her story, America’s story, with second- and third- grade students.

The program emphasized citizen ship, community, and appreciation, said Amy Allen, PLAS assistant head of school/guidance counselor.

“These students will spend the year learning about awesome Americans like Abraham Lincoln, FDR and Martin Luther King,” Allen said.

“Additionally, our seventh-grade students kicked off our American Character program, which teaches lessons of important American characters in order to become good characters themselves. Over the next months, students will be engaged in lessons of civic responsibility, financial literacy, character development and career.