Homeless Animals Day is a day for caring

Published 6:31 pm Thursday, August 17, 2023

Saturday, August 19 is International Homeless Animals Day. This special day for animals falls annually on the third Sunday in August.

It was in the 1870s that animal protectionists began to see the lives of children and animals as similarly vulnerable and in need of protection, and SPCAs and anti-cruelty laws began to be established.

However, every day in the year 2023 animals are lost, abandoned or placed in kennels that are completely dependent on charities and good will. These organization are strained beyond their ability to cope and are desperate to raise awareness of the plight of homeless and abandoned animals.

International Homeless Animals Day aims to educate people about pet abandoned and feral animals and the important benefit of neutering domestic animals.

Donna Brockmann, Humane Society of Pike County president, said the HSPC’s dedication to the humane treatment of animals is firm and unwavering.

“The HSPC continually encourages the spaying/neutering of pets,” Brockmann said. “Each year, the HSPC’s Pet Photo Contest raises money in support of its annual spay/neuter program. Last year, we had $20,000 available to pay $50 on each procedure done by one of our four local veterinarians and it is making a difference in the number of unwanted and too often mistreated animals in Pike County.

The HSPC’s 2024 Pet Photo Calendar Contest is underway. Entering a pet or voting for a favorite entry, supports the HSPC’s spay/neuter program and helps reduce the number of unwanted animals in Pike County.

Honor International Homeless Animals Day by giving a homeless animal a forever home, supporting a local shelter or by entering a pet in the HSPC’s pet photo contest or casting a vote. Either will make a difference.’

The rules for the HSPC’s Pet Photo Contest may be found on the HSPC website at www.pikehumane.org.