Pet photo contest entries extended

Published 5:56 pm Monday, August 14, 2023

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Just as the Humane Society of Pike County’s 2024 Pet Photo Contest entered the final month for entry in the prestigious pet photo contest, the HSPC’s webhost server went down.

“That was completely beyond our control,” said Donna Brockmann, HSPC president. “But, what we could do was extend the deadline for entry in the Pet Photo Contest so that’s what we have done.”

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Entry in the HSPC’s 2024 Pet Photo Contest has been extended until 5 p.m., September 11.

“That gives pet owners more time to enter their pets and voters more time to vote,” Brockmann said.  “Right now, we have 52 animals entered and, hopefully, we will have many more before the deadline.

“Right now, Koshka, the in-memory campus cat, and Katie, Dr. Patricia Block’s cat, are tied with 250 votes. Several pets are getting closer so that makes the contest interesting.”

Brockmann said voting for the Pet Photo Calendar’s 13 monthly winners (including two Decembers) is expected to be challenging and very close.

The 13 pets with the most votes, with the exception of the calendar cover pet, are featured with full page photos.

“The calendar will feature 52 weekly winners with photos,” Brockmann said. “And, every pet in the contest will be pictured on the calendar.