A miracle happened on Highway 231
Published 7:37 pm Tuesday, August 8, 2023
- Cameron Rice
A miracle happened in Cameron Rice’s life and at the hands of angels unaware.
“A miracle from God is the reason, I am alive. There’s no other way to explain it,” Cameron said. “God sent angels and I am so grateful and thankful and blessed.”
For Cameron Rice, the day was like any other sunny, hot Alabama August morning. The sultry air was stirred only by the flapping wings of tiny, flying things.
Suddenly, Rice felt the sharp sting of a wasp.
“I had gotten stung by a wasp about four years ago and, before that, by yellow jackets,” he said. “So, I knew I needed to get Benadryl but, I thought, if I was going to have a reaction I had plenty of time to get to Walgreen’s. But, right then, my life changed drastically.”
But, Cameron said, unbeknown to him, God had already placed “angels” along his way.
On the way to Walgreen’s Rice’s friend, David Jackson, a former EMT, called “just to chat” on his way from the gym near Walgreen’s.
Cameron told David that he had been stung by a wasp and was on the way to Walgreen’s. David said he would stay on the phone and meet him at there. As they talked, Cameron said his friend realized his breath was short and that he wasn’t responding to the conversation.
“David realized I didn’t even know I was driving and I don’t remember either,” Cameron said. “I don’t remember driving through the traffic or crossing the highway to Walgreen’s. The Lord sent an angel to drive for me. There is no other way I could have gotten there.”
David was waiting when Cameron’s truck pulled into the parking lot. Cameron was limp and unconscious when David pulled him out of the truck and called 911. In a very short time, Haynes Ambulance arrived but the EMTs realized there was not enough time to get Cameron to the hospital.
“I heard an EMT say “he’s got two minutes,” Cameron said. “I would not have made it to the hospital. But, God put the EMTs there. I know that God put everything in place or I would not have made it.”
What Cameron Rice takes away from the knowledge that, in two minutes or less, life would have left him is that God loves him and that he is blessed to be alive and so thankful for the angels that God placed all along his way.
“I pray that my story touches others, who may be questioning if God hears them and loves them, so they will know that He hears them and loves them.”