PCES garden produces summer harvest
Published 6:02 pm Monday, August 7, 2023
- Members of the Brundidge Rotary Club were on the campus of Pike County Elementary School in Brundidge last week to make a $500 donation to the school. The donation was made as a contribution to ongoing garden and campus beautification projects. Pictured, from left, Rotarians Freddie Turner, Rochelle McKenney, PCES assistant principal, Kevin Krist, Rotary Club president; Moses Davenport, Jimmy Ramage, Danny Graham and Don Dickert.
Ask Pike County Elementary School Principal Rodney Drish “how does your garden grow?” and he will say “with the help of a village.”
In the early spring, with the help of a host of villagers, including his students, faculty members and staff, the PTO, community helpers and the Master Gardeners from Troy, Drish said the 26 container gardens on the school grounds were very productive.
“We were able to harvest a variety of vegetables, including squash, peppers, okra, and tomatoes to share with our senior adults and we still have watermelons,” Drish said. “We also had flowers that we shared. Both the planting and tending of the garden was a learning experience and an opportunity for community involvement.
PCES will have a fall garden with a variety of greens, including turnips and collards and peppers, that will also be shared in the community.
“We are excited about the success of the spring garden and look forward to the fall and another successful garden,” Drish said. “We want our students have hands-on experiences that provide them with opportunities be involved in the planting, tending, harvesting and sharing of the harvest.”