TCS Summer Program students tour museum

Published 7:37 pm Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Students in the Troy City Schools’ summer school program for fourth, fifth and sixth grades toured the Pioneer Museum of Alabama on Tuesday.

The Pike County Historical Genealogical & Preservation Society sponsored the summer school program trip to the museum.  

Deborah Huggins-Davis, museum volunteer and historical society member, thanked the museum for opening on a day it is normally closed for the students in the summer school program.

“The historical society sponsored the tour in an effort to enhance local student participation at the museum,” Huggins-Davis said. “Today was the students’ last day of summer school and it was a wonderful way for them to complete the session. There are so many Pike County residents that do not recognize how fortunate this community is to have a treasure like the Pioneer Museum of Alabama.”

Barbara Tatom, museum director thanked the historical society for sponsoring the trip. 

“We so appreciate the historical society giving these students the opportunity to come out and learn a little of this area’s history,” Tatom said.

She shared a personal remembrance of the museum with the students and explained why it is so important that they learn about local history

“I came through Troy City Schools during a time when Pike County history was taught in third grad,” Tatom said. “We not only learned about Pike County history in the classroom, but we also took field trips to Monticello, Orion, Beulah Cemetery and a train ride to Brundidge. Those trips and the lessons we learned gave me an appreciation for my hometown and county.”