Troy BoE approves personnel decisions
Published 9:51 am Tuesday, May 30, 2023
At the May 26 Troy City Schools Board of Education Meeting, a number of personnel decisions were approved.
The approved personnel decisions are listed below.
Elizabeth Moseley, intervention teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);
Renea Fielder, CNP, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);
Stephen Barnes, social studies teacher, Charles Henderson Middle School (effective May 26);
Ashtin Herring, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 2);
Payton Burleson, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 2);
Judith Wells, math teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective Aug. 2);
Rebekah Wester, English teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective Aug. 2);
Sonny Kirkpatrick, head varsity softball coach, Charles Henderson High School;
LaKenya Knight, physical education teacher and head girls varsity basketball coach, Charles Henderson High School (effective July 12);
Patrick Jackson, part-time driver, TCS Summer Food Service Program (effective June 5);
Dr. Christie Armstrong, Central Office, medical leave from June 2 to July 3;
Kaitlyn Munger-Smith, from 10th grade to ninth grade English, Charles Henderson high School (effective Aug. 2);
Griffin Capps, from 11th grade English to 12th grade English, Charles Henderson High School (effective Aug. 2);
Mitchell Price, English teacher, Charles Henderson Middle School (effective May 26); and
LaShundra Peoples, math teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective May 26).