Pike County BOE considers contract; approves requests

Published 5:55 pm Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Pike County Board of Education met May 15 and considered new business before the board.

The first order of business was the approval of the Financial Statement for the month of April followed by 12 items for consideration. The board:

•Approved the financial statement for the month of April 2023.

•Approved permission for the Child Nutrition Program to provide breakfast and lunch as part of the Seamless Summer Feeding Program at Banks, Goshen Elementary, Goshen High, Pike County Elementary and Pike County High.

•Renewed the Mark Dunning Industries (MDI) service contract for the 2023-2024 school year, for dumpster services at all schools. 

•Renewed the Russell Petroleum Corporation service contract for the 2023-2024 school year, for diesel fuel and gasoline services. 

•Renewed the Thompson Gas service contract for the 2023-2024 school year, for propane gas services. 

•Renewed the Triple “E” Services service contract for the 2023-2024 school year, for ground maintenance. 

•Renewed the Bedsole Milk, Inc. contract for the 2023-2024 school year, for all schools.

•Awarded the bid for pest control for the Child Nutrition Program to Meeks Termite and Pest Control for the 2023-2024 school year. 

•Approved the request for the Pike Agriscience Academy to transport FFA members and instructors to the annual Auburn Agriscience Exploration Tour, July 11-12 in Auburn. The funding source will be general funds. 

•Approved the request for Goshen FFA members and instructors to travel to and attend the 96th National FFA Convention and Expo October 31-November 3 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The funding source will be the Goshen FFA. •Approved the request for the Goshen JROTC members and instructors to travel to the Fort Benning Infantry Museum, May 18 in Columbus, Georgia. The funding sources will be the Goshen JROTC.

•Approved the request for Kimberly Gallo, Brittney Gilmer, Sharon Sullivan and Kim Head to travel to and attend the Alabama Educational Technology Conference, June 14-16 in Huntsville. The funding source will be Title I and ESSER Funds.

•Approve permission for Shantell Rouse to travel to and attend the Empower Conference, June 4 7 in Destin, Florida with funding source, the  City of Brundidge. 

•Awarded the bid for CNC Milling Machine to Redmond Machinery.

•Approved or denied student transfer requests.

In personal action, the board,

•Approved request for catastrophic Leave for Valerie Boyd, Secretary, Pike County Elementary School (PCES).

•Accepted the resignation of Alyssa Floyd, first gradet eacher, PCES.

•Approved the request to employ Alexandra Eiland, math teacher at Goshen High School.

•Approved the request to add five additional workdays to Lydia Ellis, for prep for the 2023-2024 dual enrollment program.

•Approved the request to employ Rachael Brooks, Marla Johnson, Sherry Wilkes, Abbey McClure, Teresa Webb, Elijah Gilbert, and Sherry Evans as Contracted Services for the Middle School CTE Camp, June 12-16.  The funding source will be the Middle School Expansion Grant and JROTC STEM Grant.

•Approved the request to employ Amanda Challancin, Charles Henderson Middle School math teacher, as contracted services for the JROTC STEM camp.  The funding source will be a JROTC Grant.

•Approved the request to employ Pam Moates, nurse, as contracted services for the Camp Career Explorations, June 12-16. The funding source will be a JROTC Grant.

•Approved the request to employ Maranda Knight, secretary/bookkeeper, as contracted services for the Camp Career Explorations, June 12-16, The funding source will be a Middle School Career Explorations grant.

•Accepted the resignation of Rachel Smith, Pre-K teacher at Goshen Elementary School.

•Accepted the resignation of Kimberly Middlebrooks, STEM facilitator at GES.

•Accepted the resignation of Ryan McCollough, ACCESS teacher at PCHS.

(All new hires are contingent on certification or a verified pathway to certification and background checks.)