TBOE recognizes dual-enrollment graduates

Published 11:38 am Tuesday, May 16, 2023

At its May 15 meeting, The Troy City Schools Board of Education recognized a number of Charles Henderson High School seniors that have recently earned their associate’s degrees from dual enrollment.

The CHHS seniors that were recognized earned their degrees from Enterprise State Community College or Lurleen B. Wallace Community College as dual enrollment students. Those students include Malcolm Lightfoot, Aicey Hawkins, Taylor Brady, Reed Norman, Hunter Kelley and Dent Brown.

In other business, the board unanimously passed a resolution to accept bids for network switch replacements and more than 200 new desktop computers for schools district-wide. The funds for these purchases will come from ESSER funds.

The board also approved the purchase of a CNC Milling Machine Trainer for the Troy Pike Center for Technology, which will be paid for with funds from a recently obtained grant.

The board approved a resolution to renew the school system’s involvement in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) with the USDA to allow for free breakfast and lunch to all enrolled Troy City Schools students. Schools qualify for the program based on the percentage of students that are eligible for free meals in other specific means-tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

The board also approved the renewal of a number of out-of-district students, which had previously been cleared by their school’s principals and administrators to return to school. Only out-of-district students without disciplinary issues qualify to return.

The board also unanimously approved a number of personnel actions. Among these personnel actions, includes the retirement of longtime Charles Henderson girls’ basketball coach Dyneshia Jones Elder and teacher’s Donna McGowin, Tracie Hunter and Chrissy McLendon. The total years of service between the four educators amounts to 94.5 years.


Personnel Actions


Donna McGowin, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Chrissy McLendon, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Tracie Hunter, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Dyneshia Jones Elder, girls basketball coach/teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective June 5);


Leave of absence:

Jennifer Helms, medical leave, Charles Henderson Middle School (effective May 2-May 26)



LaTasha Vaughn, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Ashton Campbell, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Carsyn Gambrell, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Kristin LeVeque, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective May 26);

Leigh McGee, vice principal, Troy Elementary School (effective June 5);

Jonathan Carswell, science teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective May 26);

Doug Fontaine, math teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective May 26);

Janae Fontaine, intervention teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective May 26);

Allie Singleton, English teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective May 26);



Grace Fuller, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 2);

Meagan Shierling, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 2);

Kendra Williams, records clerk, Troy Elementary School (effective July 12);

Courtney Day, teacher, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 2);

Kendall Christakos, math teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective Aug. 2);

Maria Pearson, math teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective Aug. 2);



Jade Henderson, 4-6 reading coach to K-3 reading coach, Troy Elementary School (effective Aug. 2);

Hannah Walker, Pre-K to Troy Elementary bookkeeper, Troy Elementary School (effective July 12); and

Jason Mills, math teacher to science teacher, Charles Henderson High School (effective Aug. 2)