Cattlemen’s Auction ‘the biggest ever’

Published 7:44 pm Monday, April 3, 2023

The rain on Saturday didn’t put a damper on Pike County Cattlemen’s Equipment Auction, in fact, it was “the biggest ever,” said Cattleman Johnny Garrett.

“We had a few showers and then the sun came out, so it worked out good for everybody,” Garrett said. “We had a large crowd all day. Folks came from all around here and from as far as Georgia and Florida and maybe Mississippi.  The bidding was competitive. We had the most items up for bid that we’ve ever had…1,528 items. The most we’d had before was 1,250.”

We had some unusual items from tires on rims and street lights,” Garrett said. “We had a good number of unclaimed like-new bicycles that the Troy Police Department had and they sold good.”

Garrett said the auction moved at a steady clip throughout the day.

“We had three auctions going when we were selling the vehicles and two going the rest of the time,” he said. “We got started at 8 a.m. and were through before 5:50 p.m. It was a good day all around.”

Garrett said, with such a large number of items on the auction block, it probably will be Thursday before the Cattlemen know just the dollars and cents of the biggest Pike County Cattlemen’s Equipment Auction to date.

The Pike County Cattlemen expressed appreciation to everyone who contributed to the success of the 2023 equipment auction in so many ways.