Troy City Council approves zoning for medical cannabis dispensaries

Published 10:47 am Wednesday, February 15, 2023

At the Feb. 15 Troy City Council Meeting, the council unanimously approved a resolution to amend the city’s zoning ordinance to permit licensed medical cannabis dispensaries to operate in C4 highway commercial zoning districts and M1 and M2 industrial districts, with restrictions.

Last December, the council approved a resolution to allow licensed medical cannabis dispensaries to operate in the city with a Troy business license and held the first reading of the resolution for the zoning of potential medical cannabis dispensaries at its Jan. 24 meeting. The council heard the second reading of the resolution at the Feb. 15 meeting and also held a public hearing to allow for anyone to speak for or against the proposed resolution. No one spoke at the hearing and the council unanimously approved the resolution, which came with the recommendation of Mayor Jason Reeves and the Troy Planning Commission.

The restrictions on licensed dispensaries calls for no dispensary to be allowed in a location with access to a developed neighborhood street or within 1,000 feet of a school, daycare or childcare facility. Additionally, dispensary sites will have to adhere to the state’s medical cannabis advertising laws.

The council also heard the second reading of a resolution to pre-zone 5.85 acres of property on Trojan Parkway into R3 high-density residential zoning district before the property is annexed into the city limits. Due to a new law from the state, any potentially annexed property must be pre-zoned before it is annexed or the property would be annexed into the city without being in a zoning district.

The council heard the first reading of this resolution at the Jan. 24 meeting. Following the second reading, the council held a public hearing with no members of the public speaking against it. The council unanimously approved the resolution.

Next, the council heard the first reading of a resolution to annex that same property on Trojan Parkway into the city limits. The council will hear the second reading of this resolution at the Feb. 28 meeting followed by a public hearing before a vote will be cast.

Additionally, the council heard the first reading of a resolution to re-zone 4.98 acres of property on Hudson Street to M2 heavy industrial district. A second reading and public hearing will be held at the Feb. 28 meeting before a vote.

The council also reappointed Brenda Dubose to the Troy Healthcare Authority, while Mayor Reeves reappointed Troy Weed, William Hopper and Sam Green to six-year terms on the Troy Planning Commission. Reeves also appointed Shelby Tuck to fill the vacant administrative position on the planning commission, as well.

The council approved the purchase of new drone equipment and surplus of the utility department’s current drone equipment to serve as trade-in value. The total cost of the new drone equipment is $15,669 with a trade-in value of $9,816. So, the city will spend $5,853 on the new drones.

The council also approved a Title VI plan for the Pike Area Transit System (PATS) and approved a request to apply for a recycling grant, which would allow the city to purchase a 5-ton forklift, 480 cases of residential recycle bags, 257 recycle cans and four open-top recycling trailers if the city is approved for the grant. The total amount of the grant would be $89,952.16. The council approved the request, while councilperson Stephanie Baker abstained from the vote due to her work with KW Plastics in Troy.

The next Troy City Council meeting will be held on Feb. 28 at 5 p.m. in the council chambers at Troy City Hall. The council will also hold a public work session at 3:30 p.m. in the second floor council conference room before the meeting.