Third graders learn about life on the farm
Published 7:50 pm Thursday, November 17, 2022
- Photos by Jaine Treadwell Jack Redmon took a close up look at a cow at Farm Day.
The 2022 Pike County Farm-City Committee’s annual Farm Day for all third graders in schools in Troy and Pike County was, once again, a great success.
At Cattleman Park on Tuesday, more than 350 students had the opportunity to learn more about daily life on the farm. The third-graders visited the soil trailer and learned which animals and critters that are native to Pike County live underground. They had opportunities to have an up-close look, and even touch, a horse, a cow, a duck and to feel a fluff of cotton that had just been ginned. They learned about a tractor that was ready to work the field. The third-graders also learned how easily unmarked household products that are harmful can be mistaken for something “tasty and good.”
Smokey the Bear was at Farm Day to let the children know the danger of carelessness and how one spark can destroy the woodlands and the habitats of the many animals that call the forest, home.
Pike County Chamber of Commerce President Dana Sanders expressed her gratitude to the Pike County Extension Office for organizing Farm Day 2022.
“Their dedicated efforts have made this event a success,” Sanders said. “Abby Peters, Hilary Peoples, Jennifer Brown, and Donna Martin double-checked every detail and the day went as smoothly as possible.
“Also, thank you, to each of the vendors that took of their time to educate our local students on the importance that agriculture plays in our community.”