Benefit fundraiser for Baby Virginia Davis family

Published 7:56 pm Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A benefit event will be held for the family of Wes and Summer Davis and baby Virginia Blake Davis from 6 until 10 p.m. Saturday at Cattleman Park.

Virginia was born in a Montgomery hospital in February weighing one pound and was so small she could be held in the palm of one’s hand.

Baby Virginia was transferred to Children’s Hospital in Birmingham where she underwent surgery to correct a heart defect. She now weighs 12 pounds and no longer requires a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) as a means of providing respiratory support, her aunt, Patsy Brown said.

Baby Virginia continues to improve; however, no timeline has been established for her to come home.

“The doctors have said Virginia is a fighter and we are hopeful that she will be home before too long,” Brown said. “But, right now, we just don’t know. We are thankful for her and that she is improving.”

There will be no admission to the Saturday night benefit event.  The fundraisers will include an auction /raffle with items including, but not limited to, a 65-inch TV, a rifle, a shotgun, a gas grill, a gas-powered weed eater and, of course, cakes, pies and other edibles.

The Country Rhythm & Blues Band will play for the event, so it will be a fun time for a fundraiser for the Davis family.

The Saturday night benefit will assist Wes and Summer Davis with the expenses associated with the treatment and care of Baby Virginia and related expenses.

Wes and Summer are graduates of Goshen High School and Troy University.