BHS extends invitation to ‘Come Home It’s Suppertime’
Published 6:47 pm Tuesday, August 16, 2022
- Jaine Treadwell | The Messenger Twenty years ago, the Brundidge Historical Society opened the doors of community theater in Brundidge with the premier of “Come Home, It’s Suppertime,” an original folklife play about life in a small, Southern town during the Great Depression. Lawrence Bowden, left, and Johnny Steed, are members of the original cast. COVID-19 closed the theater doors for two seasons. “Good Lord, willing and the creek don’t rise,” the curtain will go up once again on the award-winning folklife play in November.
When COVID-19 rocked the world in 2020, the Brundidge Historical Society was fortunate that its 14th Annual Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival was an event of the last weekend in January. Once again, the annual storytelling festival was a success with nationally acclaimed storytellers headlining the event.
However, the unprecedented pandemic quickly closed the doors of the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge on the 2020 and 2021 seasons of performances that included Alabama’s Official Folklife Play, “Come Home, It’s Suppertime.”
“We have a cast and crew of from 45 to 50 for our folklife play,” said Lawrence Bowden, BHS president. “At the We Piddle Around Theater, we are family. But, we aren’t as whole now as we were in 2019 in body and in spirit.”
Bowden said with prayer and thoughtful consideration, the decision has been made to approach the upcoming play season with a positive and “can-do” attitude.
The fall production of “Come Home, It’s Suppertime” is planned for the first two weekends in November…depending.
“We don’t know what the response of the cast, crew and musicians will be,” Bowden said. “We haven’t been together for a long time and things aren’t the way they were in 2019. We are hopeful.”
Ann Register, BHS secretary, said notes of interest/intent have been mailed to the cast and crew members of the most recent productions of “Alabama’s Official Folklife Play.
“Their responses will give us an idea of whether or not we move forward with the fall production,” Register said. “We are also inviting and encouraging others who have been in the play before to consider coming back. And, we always welcome new members to our ‘Come Home’ family.”
Register said it is important for those who consider “the invitation to participate in the folklife play” to know that “we are storytellers, not actors.”
“We often hear that our folklife play is like sitting around the kitchen table listening to stories being told or on the front porch with grandpa,” Register said. “So, you don’t have to be an actor or actress to be in ‘Come Home, It’s Suppertime.’”
Cathie Steed, ticket chair, said already she is receiving calls about the fall production of “Come Home.”
“But, this season is almost like starting over again,” Steed said. “So, come and join us back at home, at suppertime.”
For more information or to become a member of the cast or crew of “Come Home, It’s Suppertime, call 334-808-4237 or 685-5524.