Pike Extension sends open invitation to participate

Published 6:21 pm Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Pike County Extension Office is extending an open invitation to participate in “Healthy You, A Healthy Farm” on September 1.

“Healthy You, A Healthy Farm” is an initiative established by the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries. The goal of the initiative is to reduce the stigma around mental health struggles in the Alabama agriculture community.

“A Healthy Farm” is not designed to treat or diagnose any type of mental condition but, instead, to equip people already in the community with the information and skills needed to save lives, said Abby Peters, Pike County Extension coordinator.

“The goal of ‘Healthy You, A Heathy Farm’ is to provide confidence in recognizing a mental health crisis within a participant’s own community,” Peters said. “That includes people you work with or interact with and the ability to refer someone to mental health care.”

The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries has partnered with the Alabama Department of Mental Health to establish a training network for various types of suicide prevention programs and organizations including the Alabama Farmers Federation and Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

Peters said the training provides information that is valuable to everyone.

It is also an outstanding professional development opportunity. The training offers a guide to help individuals in mental health crisis get the assistance they need at no charge.

To register for the free training, email Liz Mooneyham, program coordinator at lizmooneyham@agi.alabama.gov or by calling the Pike County Extension Office at 334-566-0985 by August 24 at 5 p.m. Lunch will also be included at no charge. Feel free to register any person who many benefit.