Brundidge festival a community event

Published 6:30 pm Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Brundidge Community Festival is set for 8:30 a.m. until around 5 p.m. Saturday on the grounds of the Bass House on South Main Street.

There is no admission charge and everyone is invited to come out and enjoy “the beauty of being in a small town,” said Patricia Valentine.

“This is a community event,” Valentine said. “There is no one sponsor or one organization for this community event. We are all together and we are all looking forward to a day of celebrating community and togetherness.”

Community support/help organization will be on the grounds with information available and also words to share, Valentine said. “East Central Mental Health, OCAP, DHR, Pike County Schools, representatives from the police department, the sheriff’s department, Mayor Isabell Boyd and members of the Brundidge City Council and other community representatives will be there to share information.”

And, what would a community festival be without music, dancing and games, including Bingo, and contests?

“Everyone is encouraged to bring lawn chairs and plan to enjoy the day,” Valentine said. “There will be a music of different kinds–praise and worship, gospel, old-time church music and old-school music. We’ll have solos and groups. We’ll have dancing, too.”

Vendors will have a variety of foods, meats and sweets and colas and lemonade.

“We’ll have speakers and those that have items for sale can come and, if there’s a slot, they can just slide in,” Valentine said. “This is a community event and we want everyone to come and enjoy the singers, the speakers, the food and fellowship of a day like this.”

Valentine said the community day is being called, by many, “a come together.”

“It is a time for all of us to come together and be together so, together, we can move forward as the loving and caring community that we are.”