Pike County BOE takes personnel action

Published 7:18 pm Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Pike County Board of Education met Monday night and took care of new business and addressed personnel requests.

In new business, the board

•Approved the updates of “Faculty and Staff Dress Code” policy.

•Approved “Opt-in for Mental Health Services by Parent and Guardian.

•Adopted the resolution for Division B Hazardous Mitigation Plan.

• Approved the continuation of contract bids for one year, including MDI-Dumpster Services, Thompson Gas- propane gas; Russell Petroleum Corp, diesel fuel; Falls Services, cleaning service, and Triple “E” Services, grass cutting service.

•Approved request for Goshen High School, junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders and coaches to travel to and attend VRBO Citrus Bowl Pre-Game Performance, December 29 –January 3, 2023 in Orlando, Florida. Cheerleaders will be responsible for the cost of the trip.

•Approved the request for Pamela Franklin to travel to and attend the Fall 2022 District Test Coordinator’s Training, August 24-25 in Prattville. Funding, general funds.

In personnel action, the board:

•Accepted the retirement resignation of Virginia Rodgers, Child Nutrition Program manager.

• Accepted the resignation of Harriett Jones, CNP worker.

•Accepted the resignation or Rebecca Kidd, physical education, Pike County Elementary School.

•Approved the request to employ Walter Pritchett, history, Pike County High School.

•Approved the request to employ Kane Knighten, CNP manager Goshen Elementary School.

•Approved the request to employ Shelia Blackmon, CNP, worker, PCES.

•Approved the request to employ Victoria Wilson, counselor, Goshen High School.

•Approved the voluntary transfer of Kimalin Hobdy, from CNP manager, Goshen Elementary School, to CNP manager, Pike County Elementary School.

•Approved the request to reassigning Sonia Stewart, CNP, worker to CNP assistant manager, PCHS.

•Approved volunteer status for Antonio Rogers, GHS football and basketball.

•Approved Goshen High School coaching supplements.

•Approved Pike County High School coaching supplements.

•All new hires are contingent on certification or a verified pathway certification and background checks.