Humane Society’s Pet Photo Contest now underway
Published 6:16 pm Monday, July 11, 2022
Although it seems as if Happy New Year 2022 has just arrived, animal lovers all across Pike County are thinking 2023.
“For all of us who love animals, it’s the time of year we begin thinking about the Humane Society of Pike County’s annual Pet Photo Contest,” said Donna Brockmann, humane society president. “So, the HSPC is happy and excited to announce that the 14th Annual Pet Photo Contest is now open.”
Brockman said all pets-domesticated animals, farm animals, wildlife and beloved animas at the Rainbow Bridge-are all welcome in the contest, which will be turned into the 2023 Pet Photo Calendar. All animals entered in the Pet Photo Contest appear in HSPC’s 2023 Pet Photo Calendar
The guidelines for the Humane Society of Pike County’s14th Annual Pet Photo Contest are on the society’s website at
“Pets may be entered online and entry forms may also be picked up at Guynn’s Income Tax and Bookkeeping Services and Haisten, Shipman and Wiggins in Troy and Jinright’s Hillside Antiques on Highway 231 south of Troy.
The entry fee remains at $10 and votes one dollar each.
“Pet owners are encouraged to enter their pet or pets in the Humane Society of Pike County’s 2023 Pet Photo Contest,” Brockmann said. “Voting is open to everyone. Those who enter their pets and those who vote support the HSPC’s annual spay/neuter program, which helps to reduce the number of abused and neglected dogs and cats in Pike County. So, everyone benefits.”