Summer Art Explosion Week One: openings available

Published 8:29 pm Tuesday, May 17, 2022

“A Summer Art Explosion” will occur at the Johnson Center for the Arts during two weeks in June.

Brenda Campbell, JCA director, said a few openings are available for the first week of the Summer Art Explosion, June 13-16, for ages 6-10.

The hours are 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The cost is $25 per child

Week Two is full.

“The Summer Art Explosion” will rotate between art and drama activi-ties. Day Barnes will lead the art classes at Art by the Track; Reagan Gross will lead the drama and movement classes at The Studio. Both sites are across from the Johnson Center on East Walnut Street.

The children will rotate between the art and drama activities.

“Any child who enjoys art and/or drama will benefit from ‘A Summer Art Explosion,’” Campbell said.

Application may be made for Week 1 (June 13-16) on line at or by calling 670-2287.