AG Academy plant sale March 28 through April 1
Published 12:38 pm Friday, March 25, 2022
The Pike County Schools Agriscience Academy on the Goshen High School campus will host its annual plant sale Monday, March 28, through Friday, April 1 between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
“The plants are expected to go fast,” said Cody Eiland, Agriscience instructor. “The plant sale will be open for business as long as we have plants or until the sale ends on April 1.”
The plants available for sale will include Boston ferns, $15; Macho ferns, $25; Sword ferns, $20; Succulents, $3; Wandering Jews, $15; Swedish Ivy, $15; Spider Plants, $15; Vinca, $5 six-packs; Petunia, $5 six-packs; pepper and tomato six-packs, $5 for two; Ghost Peppers, $3 per plant; Wax Begonias, $7 one-gallon pot, $15 hanging basket; Geraniums, $7 one-gallon pot, $15 hanging bas-kets; Coleus, $7; Lantana, $7; and Succulent arrangements prepared by the Floral Design class, $25.
“The plants were grown by the Pike County Schools Agriscience Academy and Goshen Agricul-ture Department students who are taking dual enrollment and high school plant science classes,” said Christian Stanley, Agriscience instructor. “The students grew the plants from seeds, plugs, or cuttings. They have been responsible for all stages of growth with each plant in the greenhouse set-ting.”
Stanley said, through general horticulture, vegetable and orchard crops, fundamentals of agricul-ture, and middle school agriculture classes, students have learned about growing media, the differ-ent forms of propagation, plant nutrition, plant structure and function.
Other courses offered are Orientation to Agriculture Occupations, Introduction to Animal and Dairy Science, Floral Design, and Landscape Design and Maintenance, and Agriculture Equipment Repair and Maintenance.