TPL offering new digital books

Published 9:31 pm Friday, December 10, 2021

Many patrons know that Troy Public Library offers digital books for checkout on Camellia Net at  What many do not know about are the options and benefits of the Libby app and Troy Public Library’s exciting new Advantage Plan.  Both can provide a faster way to access the books you’ve been looking forward to reading, said William White, Troy Public Library director.

“Camellia Net is provided by a consortium of libraries across the state offering thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and even videos,” White said. “All of this content can be accessed via the Camellia Net website or the convenient Libby app.  The Libby app keeps you logged in to save the time and hassle of pulling up the website and logging in each time you want to check out a new book.  Just click on the app icon and you’re in.”

TPL patrons can install the Libby app on their device from their usual app store and, with just one click, get all the same great content found on Camellia Net.

“Unfortunately, newer and more popular titles provided by the consortium often have significant waiting lists because they can be checked out by thousands of library patrons across the state,” White said. “To address this, Troy Public Library has created the Advantage Plan.”

The library’s new Advantage Plan is a special collection of ebooks and audiobooks created just for patrons of Troy Public Library.  It provides copies of bestselling books that can only be checked out by Troy Public Library patrons. 

“TPL patrons do not have to compete with patrons from other libraries across the state for their turn to read these books,” White said. “It’s almost like having your own private collection of books within a great big li-brary.  This makes for significantly shorter wait times – sometimes short-ening the wait by months.”

The Advantage Plan collection is full of best-selling titles by authors like David Baldacci, Nora Roberts, C.J. Box, John Grisham, Danielle Steel, and Karen Kingsbury. 

“One of the latest additions to the collection is the long-awaited ninth volume in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon – ‘Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone,’” White said.

To access the Advantage Plan on the Camellia Net website, log into the site with your library card number. 

“Once you are logged in, the Advantage Plan collection will be found at the top of the webpage, under the heading Advantage Plan Titles,” White said. “Just click ‘See All’ to view the entire collection.  When using the Libby app, The Advantage Plan collection should be the first thing you see when you open the app.  Just click on ‘Advantage Plan Titles’ to view the entire collection.”

Patrons who encounter problems with accessing content on Camellia Net or Libby are welcome to contact the reference department at Troy Public Library for assistance.